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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Another years ahead



23years ago, a wonderful woman had given birth to her 3rd child which is actually Me.
Alhamdulillah...Really grateful to my super mak and ayah who had raised me through all these years.. I know it's not easy as I'm a naughty girl, keras kepala and cengeng  punya budak. But Alhamdulillah they manage to be patient towards me. Syukran Ya Allah, You had given me another chance to live and try to become  a better person than whom i am yesterday.

Nothing much I expect for this year except for the better future. O Allah, please guide me on the right track so that I could become a better muslimah not only in dunia but also akhirat.

Thank you to my 2 beloved friends for these advance birthday celebration even though this surprise kureng menjadi...Sila salahkan Danish utk itu..haha...
I appreciate it a lot.!!

 Second celebration done by my kesayangan dunia akhirat..
Even monyet2 pon celebrate birthday aku..
Siap ambik pizza 2 slice n hmpir hncurkan kek aku..haha
Thankz you rocks my day.
Love y'all deepdeep..:)

I'm blessed to be surrounded by fabulous friend around me.. Thank you families, buddies, best friend, kawankesayangan and  anyone who had been with me for the past 23 years. Thanks you for your wonderful wishes. Only Allah s.wt can repay all your kindness.